Miners are grey business - basically there is no rule, no trust, no much regulation, and everything could change overnight, so usually it's very difficult and risky to choose a good vendor, especially internationally.
ICI don't want you to buy everything from us, and we appreciate there are many other vendors in the market, making the market together with or in front of us.
In 2021, even veterans suffered from the always-changing environment of miner vendors. We found a vendor list at https://www.asicminervalue.com/vendors, created by Mr. Godon Matthieu. From today, we shall try to clarify each one, so that our friends could benefit from more clear views and make their best choices.

51Asic ranks No. 1 in the list, and below is their basic info.

Their office is located in Moscow, beside Moskva River.

Their CEO is Mr. Evgeny Zolotoy, a body builder, with a valid Facebook and Instagram profile.

Their Vice CEO is Mr. Mikhail Brezhnev, https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikhail-brezhnev-672950127

Disclaimer: Caution should be taken when making purchases and although the information provided gives you some indication of trustworthiness, ultimately we do not and cannot provide assurance that the company is legitimate or should be trusted.
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